Program Overview
The mission of ALCANCE is to provide under-resourced, at promise, or re-entry youth and adults with economic opportunities and mentoring services. These services incorporate skills development, community engagement, job readiness preparation, linkages to community resources, and youth leadership development.
Our services include wrap-around supports
such as mentoring, goal setting (roadmaps) focus to thrive in the workforce, at home and community:
- Basic needs and wellness assessment
- Job readiness workshops and one-on one support
- Resume writing
- Mock interview
- Job placement and retention assistance
- Life skills
- Linkages to leadership opportunities
- Community engagement
- SmartHire: Subsidized employment for CalWORKs recipients.
- Links2Works!: Work experience opportunities for individuals and their families impacted by War on Drugs (WoD). Offers linkages to Mental Health Services, SUD Treatment and Clean Slate.
- Alcance Job Opportunity for Youth (AJOY): Job readiness, job placement and job retention to support youth on Probation living in South County.
- Day Worker Center (DWC): Facilitates the hiring of day workers who are unable to access traditional employment opportunities.
- Mamás En Junto: Job readiness opportunities for individuals and their families registered at the Santa Cruz Janus Perinatal Program.
- Xinachtli and Joven Noble Circles: Comprehensive indigenous based, youth leadership development program that supports and guides youth through their “rites of passage” process while focusing on the prevention of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, relationship violence, gang violence and school failure.
- Youth Empowerment Project: Provides quality culturally responsive and appropriate HIV education, HIV counseling and linkages to PrEP and HIV care in Santa Cruz County.
- Luna y Sol Familia Center: Increase well-being and quality of life for youth of ages 12-17 and their families who are at risk of justice system involvement (prevention/diversion).
- Student Success Project: Assist justice involved youth with job readiness support ages 14-17 who are enrolled in the following schools: PV High, New School, Renaissance, Sequoia, and Freedom Schools.